06 Aug Nurturing Client Relationships for Success
Rebecca Sansone, founder of BeautybyBex – a charming beauty salon in Gharghur, swears by the importance of nurturing client relationships. “My business is all about making my clients feel good, if I succeed in doing so they will come back.” It’s that simple!
Believe it or not, this warm and welcoming salon has never had any social media presence and prior to Covid relied solely on word of mouth! “It’s pretty amazing” says Becky, as I visit her in her “second home” – “I feel blessed to have such loyal clientele despite the various challenges I have faced along my business journey. I am ALWAYS busy and for that I am grateful.”
Becky has always regarded her hands as her greatest “tools”. Growing up, she kept herself busy “making bracelets out of thread or beads, plaiting friends’ hair down at Exiles and Pitch, blow-drying hair, doing friends’ makeup at shows when I used to dance at The College of Jazz, I even tried my hands at sewing and made a few cushions with my aunt … I could never sit still.”
“I was 17 when I started studying beauty and worked in two salons before I decided to go off on my own and my parents encouraged me to do just that by allowing me to turn our basement into my first salon.”
She goes on to tell me that she can’t imagine herself doing anything else. Her salon is her happy place and being there fills her with love and energy.
Have you ever met someone and instantly felt like you’ve known them for ages? That’s the kind of feeling you can expect when you meet Becky. She’s never short of words, has a knack for making anyone feel super comfortable and is forever smiling! It’s no wonder that her salon is always full.
When Covid hit, Becky had to reluctantly close her doors, so she started to focus on areas that were lacking in her business. She set up a website in order to sell products including facial kits to her clients and hopped onto social media to create accounts for her salon to push sales for said products.
She also took the opportunity to renovate her salon and give it a bit of a “facelift” so that her clients could eventually return to a more comfortable set up.

She’s now back to doing what she loves and has recently added the ENVIRON skincare line to her salon’s product list. She excitedly tells me that she has invested in an Environ DF Machine to offer clients a new line of treatments. This machine enhances the penetration of vitamins into the skin and has been successfully used on scarring, sun-damaged skin and even wrinkles.
“The fact that I can help people feel better about themselves makes it all very appealing to me. I am constantly on the look out for new online courses and love to keep myself up to date to always offer my clients the best service possible.”
Becky’s top 3 lessons learned from owning her own business …
1. Never close the door to new opportunities
2. Don’t be disheartened by curve balls life throws at you – always try to make the best out of each and every situation
3. Don’t be scared to take risks.
** You can follow BeautybyBex here on Instagram and Facebook.
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