12 Tips to Help You Revitalise Your Business Momentum After the Summer

Written by Prabjit Chohan-Patel

As the summer season fades and (dare we mention it) the autumn months approach, it is a good time to refocus, reorganise and remotivate ourselves for the last four months of the year. Let that sit for a minute, people: we are into the final quarter of 2024!

Irrespective of whether you went abroad, opted for a staycation or simply replaced an official break with slower, less loaded days to enjoy summer’s benefits, September can often mark a mental shift from ‘summer mode’ to ‘new term’ (even if you’re still wearing flip flops in your home office). However, the transition from a relaxed summer mindset back to a more intense work routine can be challenging. If you have got out of your productive routine over the summer months, reestablishing it will prove essential for a productive 2024 home stretch.

Never fear: SHE Malta is here with 12 constructive tips to help you increase your work mojo and get a positive momentum going this Autumn.

1. Ease into your workload gradually

Launching yourself headfirst into a heavy workload after a break can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Instead of jumping into complex projects immediately, start with smaller, manageable tasks. A gradual adjustment, addressing easier accomplishments first, boosts confidence and can be a powerful motivator and energiser for the heavier lifting of more demanding projects as the month progresses.

Tackle your inbox as the first priority, instead of getting swept into meetings, calls and projects, straight out of the gate upon your return. Divide emails into those that require a quick, simple response and those that need deep thinking and/or potentially time-consuming, consultation with other parties and if possible, respond to them in that order. Complete low maintenance administrative tasks. 

Tip: Set up an email autoresponder, informing colleagues/clients that you are having a ‘housekeeping day’. | Use the “two-minute rule” for your inbox: if a task will take less than two minutes to complete, do it immediately to keep things moving efficiently.

2. Revisit your goals

As the year advances, our focus and time can get diverted by unforeseen demands not part of our original plan. Additionally, the quieter, more relaxed pace of Summer can disconnect us from our primary objectives. The post holiday period is the perfect time to mentally regroup and realign your focus, take stock of what has been achieved to date and what is outstanding, in order to recalibrate goals where necessary. 

If you don’t already carry out regular goals assessments, start by revisiting the goals set at the year’s outset. Measure your progress honestly. Are you on track? Have you fallen behind? Are there tasks that are now more urgent relating to your existing goals? Have potential new collaborative or client relationships come into the picture, influencing your objectives? Adjust your goals according to what has become more appropriate or achievable for 2025 and add new ones that are relevant and realistically achievable in the last four months of 2024. 

Tip: Conduct a sustainability audit of your business processes to set goals for more sustainable practices. | Compile a new client pitch list of people to approach. 

3. Reorganise your to do list

Look at your existing to-do list and reprioritise to make sure it is in line with your business objectives re-evaluation. Are there projects listed that no longer align with your goals (that are taking up your time unnecessarily)? 

Create an action plan with new milestones or updated project deadlines, focusing on what needs your attention and when. Rank projects based on importance and break down larger projects into smaller, actionable steps to ensure to keep you on track for the remainder of the year.

Tip: Use the Eisenhower Matrix (urgent vs. important) to categorise tasks and focus on high-priority items first. This helps you stay focused on tasks that move the needle for your business.

4. Seek new challenges for professional and personal development

After the haze of summer, re-energising yourself with a new challenge is a good idea. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, and investing in yourself, doing something different can do wonders for sense of purpose and confidence. It does not have to be work-related necessarily…even the completion of personal challenges, unconnected to work life, can evoke a sense of satisfaction that carries over into one’s work life, creating a positive, motivating impact. Learn a new digital skill, engage in an online course, pursue an exciting side venture, seek out training, attend workshops that will have a positive impact on you or your business.

Break down challenges into weekly or monthly targets to help you stay on track. By setting short-term milestones, you are more likely to stay the course and see steady progress.

Tip: Check Udemy and Coursera for their comprehensive online course offerings | Consider setting up a “challenge accountability group” with a few trusted peers or colleagues. Share your goals and check in regularly to discuss progress, setbacks, and successes. 

5. Get reading and expand your knowledge

As the saying goes, when we stop learning, we die. Providing new perspectives and engaging the mind, the simple pastime of reading expands our knowledge and can serve to reignite our passion and help tackle challenges with renewed vigour. There has probably never been a better time for literature about business motivation, stress management, goal-setting, career management and alternative ways of thinking. 

Tip: Don’t know where to start? Why not start by checking out SHE Malta’s recent superb (if we say so ourselves) roundup of personal and business development books. | Set aside at least 15-20 minutes a day for reading, and create a “to-read” list that includes books that align with your current business challenges and goals.

6. Declutter and reorganise your workspace and digital space

A cluttered working environment can create mental clutter, making it harder to concentrate and stay motivated. Making the effort to tidy and reorganise your workspace can dramatically improve mental clarity and boost productivity. We can’t help saying it…a clearer workspace creates a clearer headspace.

Clear your desk, discard out of date papers including business cards you know you will never look at again, rearrange book shelves and drawers that have built up mess over time. Go beyond your physical space and address your digital space. Update email folders, DELETE unnecessary emails (including those never ending threads you got inexplicably cc’d on), delete outdated files and free up that online storage.  

Tip: Spending time on this task now will bring you time rewards later, reducing frustration and delays spent searching for important documents or information. | Schedule regular digital decluttering sessions, such as at the end of each month, to maintain an organised workspace continuously.

7. Update processes and embrace new tools

If you have not recently reviewed your business processes, nine months into the year is probably a good time to do it… Whether it’s updating paper filing systems (yes people do still use paper), refining templates such as your media kit, pricing card or agreements, implementing small improvements can lead to significant efficiency gains. 

If you are frustrated with your work organisation and systems, consider researching and trialling software tools that can help improve this situation. If you are not already using one or find your current one is no longer serving you, consider using a project management app to streamline your workflow and ultimately enhance your productivity. If you are more of a paper planner type, make sure you are using yours effectively – as the habit of planning, recording tasks and ticking things off can easily slide during the summer.

Tip: The search for the app that best suits your business needs or the way you work can take a bit of trial and error. This roundup may help you choose the right work organisation/project management platform/app (This writer is a ClickUp fan myself thanks to SHE owner Sass Woods’ recommendation.) 

8. Reassess your routine, time management and boundaries

If you felt your typical daily time management and schedule was not disciplined before the summer, this may be a good time to rethink how to manage things. Defining realistic, healthy working hours and setting boundaries between work and personal life is especially for self-employed individuals and freelancers who often work from home and can end up working much longer hours than their office-based peers. Look into time blocking as a method to structure your day. By dedicating specific blocks of time to specific tasks, you can enhance focus and productivity, ensuring that your most important work gets done. 

Tip: Consider a time tracking app to help you manage your time, stay productive and minimise stress and burnout. This is usually a paid feature with most project management apps such as ToDoist and Trello but is free with Actitime, Clockify and the simple Pomodoro app (based on the Pomodoro technique).

9. Reconnect with your network 

Networking takes a backseat during the hot summer. Rebuilding connections after a quiet summer is crucial for reenergizing your business. Reaching out to clients, partners and other business contacts can provide valuable insights into market needs and potential collaborative opportunities. Networking doesn’t just help in maintaining relationships; it also keeps you informed about industry trends and shifts that can influence your strategy. Whether this means touching base with former colleagues, attending members’ events such as those offered by the SHE Malta membership programme (of course we were going to mention it) or simply engaging with your audience on social media, nurturing your professional connections can pay off in numerous ways, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Tip: Reach out to at least three people in your network each fortnight. Whether it’s through a quick email, a LinkedIn message, or a coffee meet-up, these small efforts can help you maintain and strengthen your professional relationships.

10. Incorporate inspiration from your break into your business and work routine

The inspiration you gain from time off or just taking things more slowly during the summer can be a powerful tool for driving innovation in your business. Reflect on the experiences or ideas that resonated with you during your break and ask yourself if or how they might be applied to your business operations or strategy. Whether it’s a new approach to customer engagement, an innovative product idea or a fresh marketing concept, the energy from your time away can fuel your creative thinking. 

On a more personal level, think about whether and how you can integrate elements of this inspiration into your daily work routine. This might mean scheduling regular breaks, finding time for creative activities or even altering your workspace to reflect a more relaxing environment.

Tip: Keep a “break ideas” journal: Write down any ideas or inspiration that came to you during your downtime. Refer back to this journal periodically to see if any concepts can be applied to your current projects or business strategies.

11. Prioritise self-care and mental wellbeing

Returning to a full schedule after a break can be disheartening and tiring, even if you love what you do. As an entrepreneur and a driven professional, it is very easy to overlook self-care as you start ramping up your post summer workload. But as a business owner, freelancer etc, making regular selfcare a normal part of your routine is crucial to the functioning and success of your business. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and if you notice a dip in energy, take proactive steps such as adjusting your schedule and projects to allow for downtime that helps your current energy levels. Incorporate stress management techniques into your workday such as meditation breaks, stretching, deep breathing exercises (eg. the belly, square or 4-7-8 breathing methods) or simply allowing yourself to step away from your desk for some fresh air or a short walk to clear your head – without guilt. 

Tip: Sustained productivity, motivation and success come from working smarter, not harder.

12. Celebrate small wins

As you work through the last quarter of the year, it’s important to recognise and celebrate your small victories along the way. Acknowledging and celebrating small achievements – rather than waiting for the big stuff to happen – is a powerful way to build momentum and maintain motivation to continue pushing forward. 

Tip: Create a “win list” where you jot down your accomplishments. Review this list regularly to remind yourself of the progress you’ve made.

The transition from the leisurely pace of summer back to a focused work routine can be challenging. However, with the right mindset and strategies, you can turn the post-summer slump into a period of renewed energy and accomplishment. By revisiting your goals, decluttering your workspace, updating processes and investing in professional development, you can set yourself up for a successful end to 2024.

Remember to balance work with self-care, reconnect with your network, and celebrate your wins along the way!

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